Our mis­sion for more than 65 years

Our capillary and precision tubes are part of machin­ery and plant manufacturing process­es through­out the world. They are used to pres­surise, reg­u­late and con­trol in the fields of med­ical engi­neer­ing, raw mate­r­i­al extrac­tion and ener­gy generation. We feel at home in all areas of appli­ca­tion where max­i­mum precision and heavy-duty char­ac­ter­is­tics are required. There­fore we man­u­fac­ture our prod­ucts on precision machin­ery devel­oped in-house. There­fore precision regard­ing diameters only starts with the dec­i­mal places. That is why we have been a paragon of quality for more than 65 years. The importance of our prod­ucts for our cus­tomers’ val­ue cre­ation spurs on our team.

That makes us a part­ner whose prod­ucts made in Germany guar­an­tee reli­a­bil­i­ty through­out the world. That keeps inspiring us to more and more new invest­ments in machin­ery and our know-how to keep push­ing the lim­its of what is pos­si­ble in the manufacturing of capillary and precision tubes. We turn tubes into for­ward-look­ing tech­nolo­gies – piece by piece, metre by metre. We just can’t help it. After all, precision is our passion.