Do you like to work with your hands? Are you not afraid to get dirty?
And want to advance your career? — You’ve come to the right place!
Do you like to work with your hands? Are you not afraid to get dirty?
And want to advance your career? — You’ve come to the right place!
The pipe manufacturer ETHEN ROHRE has been proÂducÂing capillary and precision pipes since 1959. Our high quality standards and our pasÂsion for precision have made us one of the leadÂing manÂuÂfacÂturÂers in the industry.
One of the most important facÂtors to secure and expand this sucÂcess in the future are our employÂees. That is why we are regÂuÂlarÂly lookÂing for qualÂiÂfied perÂsonÂnel. ExpeÂriÂence or a comÂpletÂed apprenÂticeÂship in the field of metÂal proÂcessÂing is desirÂable but not necÂesÂsary. We also welÂcome motiÂvatÂed career changers!
ETHEN ROHRE has been proÂducÂing capillary and precision tubes for cusÂtomers all over the world for over five decades. In order to mainÂtain this traÂdiÂtion, we need new, motiÂvatÂed, and well-trained employÂees on a regÂuÂlar basis.
We offer you a safe job on a long-term basis in a manÂageÂable proÂducÂtion team. Our employÂees’ wellÂbeÂing is just as important to us as the manufacturing of high-quality tubes – because we know that world-class proÂducÂtion is only funcÂtionÂing with employÂees who are satÂisÂfied with their job.
Have we aroused your interÂest? Then apply right here for one of our vacanÂcies or send us an unsoÂlicitÂed application.