Our capillary and precision tubes for the oil and gas indusÂtry are not only true to size,
but also designed for maxÂiÂmum reliability.
Our capillary and precision tubes for the oil and gas indusÂtry are not only true to size,
but also designed for maxÂiÂmum reliability.
At least, failÂing comÂpoÂnents in oil and gas supÂply sysÂtems cost a lot of monÂey and in the worst case they destroy the environment with an effect lastÂing over years. For that reaÂson, precision tubes do not only have to be manÂuÂfacÂtured with dimensional staÂbilÂiÂty, but also have to be designed to maxÂiÂmum reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty in harsh enviÂronÂments. ETHEN tubes are among the finest strucÂturÂal parts on tankers, oil and gas platÂforms, which ultiÂmateÂly ensure the staÂble, safe operÂaÂtion of the large sysÂtems. To achieve this, we use high-performance alloys for tubes in the oil and gas industry.
Our capillary and precision tubes are part of machinÂery and plant manufacturing processÂes throughÂout the world. They are used to presÂsurise, regÂuÂlate and conÂtrol in the fields of medÂical engiÂneerÂing, raw mateÂrÂiÂal extracÂtion and enerÂgy generation. We feel at home in all areas of appliÂcaÂtion where maxÂiÂmum precision and heavy-duty charÂacÂterÂisÂtics are required. ThereÂfore we manÂuÂfacÂture our prodÂucts on precision machinÂery develÂoped in-house. ThereÂfore precision regardÂing diameters only starts with the decÂiÂmal places. That is why we have been a paragon of quality for more than 65 years. The importance of our prodÂucts for our cusÂtomers’ valÂue creÂation spurs on our team.
That makes us a partÂner whose prodÂucts made in Germany guarÂanÂtee reliÂaÂbilÂiÂty throughÂout the world. That keeps inspiring us to more and more new investÂments in machinÂery and our know-how to keep pushÂing the limÂits of what is posÂsiÂble in the manufacturing of capillary and precision tubes. We turn tubes into forÂward-lookÂing techÂnoloÂgies – piece by piece, metre by metre. We just can’t help it. After all, precision is our passion.
On in-house develÂoped tubes drawÂing machines, to which all the expeÂriÂence of our manufacturing experts was contributed, we manÂuÂfacÂture capillary and precision tubes with an extraÂorÂdiÂnary range of outÂside and inside diameters.
The ETHEN tolÂerÂance stanÂdard is +/- 0.05 mm for outÂside diameters and +/- 10% for wall thickÂnessÂes. Tolerances DIN EN ISO 1127 D4/​T4. NarÂrowÂer tolÂerÂance ranges on request.
On our advanced cutÂting machines, we also cut your capillary and precision tubes to length accuÂrateÂly down to decÂiÂmal places – rangÂing from the ETHEN ROHRE maxÂiÂmum length of 6,400 mm to sleeves of minÂiÂmum length. A service we offer to cusÂtomers who valÂue our stanÂdard of quality for tubes not drawn in our works as well.
Based on our capillary and precision tubes manÂuÂfacÂtured in-house, sleeves are made withÂin very narÂrow tolerances for diamÂeÂter and length in the ETHEN manufacturing cenÂtre. The latÂter are made with absolute precision on our advanced autoÂmatÂic sawÂing machines. Thanks to the stanÂdard barÂrel finÂishÂing proÂceÂdure, we can offer them with a low-burr finÂish. ETHEN ROHRE proÂduces sleeves from all materials rangÂing from titaÂniÂum to HastelÂloy, nickÂel and stainless steel.